Weeks pregnant that is. Wow. In the very grand scheme of things, making it to 37 1/2 weeks is awesome and means pregnancy is almost over. The problem is the "almost". These past few days and the weeks (or so) to come will drive me crazy. If you know me, you know I am not very patient at all. This has to be the best and worst kind of anticipation too. I mean, I am so very excited about what is about to change my life. I know once he is here I will be so thrilled, but waiting for it to happen just seems impossible. I had my second appointment today where they checked to see if I was dilated. Nothing. This was discouraging even though I'm 2 1/2 weeks away from my due date. I'm sure moms out there know what I'm talking about. At this point you just don't know how much longer you can take it.
It wouldn't be SO bad but I've recently developed some new, fun symptoms. For example, I now have a constant headache. I take the Tylenol and when it wears off the headache is back and Tylenol again...and so on. It never stops. I really tried to avoid all medicine this whole time and I have done pretty well and not having to take anything. Now, here at the end I am having to take butt loads of it.
My pelvis bone now hurts. I'm sure my pelvis is separating or doing whatever it does to prepare for birth, but OUCH. I have kissed sleeping goodbye.
Dizziness is another one. I sporadically get dizzy and feel like I'm going to faint. Not sure what that's about.
Cramps. I assume anyone not interested in hearing these details has stopped reading by now anyway, but I've had menstrual-like cramps off and on for weeks.
One would think, "Hey, you're about to go into labor". Yes, well its not looking like its anytime soon. So cervix, dilate please! And Baker, please be ready to come into the world. I promise you will love your nursery and your family and all the pets. It will be much more comfortable that my cramped up womb. Thanks.