I have a one month old! Since I just posted a week ago, I don't need to post about the things he is doing..the answer is still "not too much". However, we have had a turn-around with his sleeping. He went from being VERY fussy and only sleeping well if we held him, to sleeping really well.
The truth is, we have started letting him sleep on his stomach for naps during the day. He still sleeps swaddled on his back at night but since he is sleeping well during the day, he is getting good sleep at night. You would think if they have rough days with little to no sleep then they would sleep good at night but that is NOT the case. I am aware of SIDS and why they say not to let them sleep on their tummies, but at some point you have to use common sense and since I can monitor him well during the daytime naps, I'm going to let him sleep on his tummy! Plus, he already raises his head well and can turn it if he chooses.
I also think we were overstimulating him during "waketime" and not putting him in his crib while he slept. Trial and error I guess. I think it was just too noisy for him in our house to sleep in his swing during the day.
If you are a new mom or a mom that remembers, how many ounces does your baby eat or did they eat at 4 weeks? How much time did they spend awake after each feeding? How long would they sleep? I'm just trying to get an idea if we are about average. I hear so many different answers on this.