Emily beat me to the punch with her elaborate Memphis post from this past weekend. I wanted to share my own version (that will be shorter b/c Im not the writer Emily is). This weekend I went to Memphis to visit my friend and college roomie, Caroline. She moved there in December and was nice enough to invite us for a girls trip. , Taylor, Caroline and I went to Fairhope last year to visit Emily. We had so much fun eating, talking, reminiscing about college days, name dropping..hahaha. She took us to the BBQ fest on Friday night that reminded me of the Peanut Festival without the rides and it one long strip that went on and on and on...which I can proove by the blisters on my feet. Caroline also had a "fiesta" on Saturday night and invited our college friend Amy Beth over as well. The whole weekend was fun and relaxing and it was great to just get away. Here are some pics of the trip.