As you can see from my last post, I got to go to Auburn last weekend for the Tennesse game. It was just as fun as I expected. I ended up getting a student ticket which means "standing only", which I thought would be a nightmare, but I actually didnt even notice. I think I prefer to stand. Especially in a game like that where we are BARELY winning. So, my newest Top Five is my Top Five Favorite Things Associated with AUBURN!
5. Big Blue Bagel Deli- If you went to Auburn I hope you loved this place as much as I did. Its a great "Sunday lunch after a big game" place. I am obsessed with the Tiger Melt which is chicken salad atop a bagel of your choice and then topped with Cheddar cheese. Whoa, its good! We got to go this past Sunday which made me VERY happy.
4. AUBIE- Auburn's mascot is NO DOUBT the best there is. That is not even biased. I believe he has been voted "Best Mascot" several times before and if I wasnt lazy I would look up those stats and post them on here. Just trust me on this one. He isnt just an animal in a suit that walks around waving at small children- He has SO much personality. He's very smooth and energetic. He always has some type of shenanigans up his sleeve.
3. The Firetruck- The newest of my favorite Auburn things. My uncle invested in an old firetruck, I guess 2 years ago, and had it painted orange and blue tiger stripes. All throughout game day it rides around campus with a pile of people on the back shaking their shakers. It blares the AU fight song and other cheers as it goes. The campus gets into it and the Auburn spirit is awesome!
2. The Eagle- If you have been to an Auburn game and seen the eagle sour around the stadium, you will know why this is #2. Not only is the eagle a huge part of Auburn, but also a great American symbol. I get misty eyed every time he flies around and around. I also have a moment where I doubt if he will actually land how is supposed to and how embarrassing that would be.
1.. The football team- I hate to sound cliche that Auburn football is my favorite, blah blah blah, but I would be lying if I didnt add this. I have been a fan since 1999, which is not really that long considering I'm 27. However, in these nine years, I have seen Auburn undefeated, win games that were IMPOSSIBLE to win, lose games that should have been IMPOSSIBLE to lose, take BAMA down 6 years in a row, and there's this year that I dont' even want to get started on...but point is, there is no feeling that being in that stadium when the band comes out in all their glory..then the team comes out in smoke walking with linked arms, whilst the jumbo tron is blaring eye of the tiger or some other new "Get pumped up" song. I just love everything about Auburn football!